Thursday, 6 March 2014

Just Listen!

Just listen! I won't tell you any wonder
Your issues with feminine gender
And belief that women only hinder
Are but bigotry wrapped in anger

Just listen! I won't tell you any wonder
Be cool and don't lose your temper
Why don't you pause and ponder
And see women's luster and splendor?

Just listen! I won't tell you any wonder
Think of your roots and first ancestor
And how all of you get a successor
Certainly, there's always a partner

Just listen! I won't tell you any wonder
You certainly have a grandma and mother
And maybe an aunt, daughter or sister
Think how they made your dreams broader

Just listen! I won't tell you any wonder
Scroll through history with a wise cursor
And sail into the wide blue yonder
You will see you had the wrong number

Just listen! I won't tell you any wonder
Your chauvinism and attempts to murder
Her ambitions, creativity and ardor
Just strengthen her and boost her willpower

Just listen! I won't tell you any wonder
Your claims are but a mere blunder
Seek truth deep in you and go no further
There's no shame to admit and surrender

© Chaouki M'kaddem
March 6th, 2014

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